gw template codes

User:Halogod35/PvX - Guild Wars Wiki (GWW).
Jan 22, 2013. Template:Asura storyline. Part II — Legacy Code. This template has one unnamed parameter: You can enter the number of the part so that.
Mar 23, 2012. Template Code: 1337haxOmGwtfLOLOLOL. Equipment Code: 1337haxOmGwtfLOLOLOL. Notes:This build owns all builds.
gw template codes
PvXwiki:Equipment Templates - PvXwiki, the Guild Wars wiki for.
Save it inside of Guild wars and GW should remake the folder for you I believe. If you don't know how just put [name of template;code].
What I'm really interested in more is if we could get a template code update for .. If someone knows the base address for the items in memory for Guild Wars 2.
can't find my Template Folder! - Guild Wars Forums - GW Guru.
gw template codes
Guild Wars Wiki:Formatting/Templates. Competitive: Articles: PvP Primer: Templates, Text.
Talk:Skill template - GuildWars Wikia, an unofficial Guild Wars wiki.